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     Hans Quitermeyer 先生介紹合規相關政策
    霍尼韋爾生命**集團副總裁兼亞太區總經理李寧先生在熱烈歡迎了各位代理商的到來后,先就霍尼韋爾集團的規模、優勢、技術與**等相關信息向與會人員進行了**介紹,并對華瑞集團加入霍尼韋爾生命**集團進行了高屋建瓴的展望。李寧先生對在座的各位代理商說道:“歡迎各位加入霍尼韋爾大家庭,從今天開始,我們將相互支持,共同努力,開創一個更美好的未來。” 霍尼韋爾生命**集團華瑞業務整合負責人童更生先生生動形象地就企業職能與客戶關系進行了深入淺出的講解,向代理商**“客戶至上”是霍尼韋爾生命**一貫的宗旨,整合后的氣體探測業務全體同仁都將竭誠為代理商和我們的客戶服務。錢永彪先生代表華瑞集團也就華瑞產品在中國市場的銷售業績及應用領域向代理商做了**剖析,對未來市場的展望和對經銷商的扶持策略進行了重點闡述。市場部的徐業蓬先生和華晴先生則分別就華瑞產品和霍尼韋爾產品的特點及應用給經銷商們做了詳細講解。此外,專程趕來參加會議的自動化控制集團法務部副總裁Hans Quitermeyer先生向大家介紹了合規的重要性以及霍尼韋爾的合規體系,就業務合作中的相關合規問題與經銷商們進行了詳細的說明,希望大家一起努力為企業的健康發展創造良好的合規環境。會議期間,管理團隊還就代理商提出的一些實際問題和困惑作了相應的解答,使得經銷商們對今后的工作開展和與霍尼韋爾合作的信心倍增。


NewsHoneywell China Bytes: RAE Systems first Annual Distributors Conference after being integrated intoHoneywell was rounded off in 2013
November 07,  2013
RAE Systems Annual Distributors Conference was rounded off in Shanghai on Oct.7th -8th in 2013, Which was RAE Systems first distributors conference after being integrated into Honeywell. There were 39 dealers, more than 110 participates joined the conference totally. The main department managers of Honeywell life safety and RAE Systems gathered together. As to the questions of market developing prospects and policy changes after the integration, the distributors had a great exchange with managers. The conference atmosphere was charged with excitement, all the participates had full confidence in the future.

Mr. lining the vice president of Honeywell life safety group and general manager of Asia Pacific Region extended a warm welcome for all the participates and then delivered the scale, advantage, technology and innovation and other related information of the Honeywell and put forward the prospect of the integration. He said:’ Welcome join in Honeywell family, from today on we’ll support each other, work together and create a better future.’ Honeywell life safety group integration responsible person for RAE Systems Mr. Jesson Tong presented a vivid speech on business function and customer relationship. He expressed that “Customer First” is Honeywell’s consist position. All the colleagues in Gas Detection group will be dedicated to our agents and customers service. Mr. Qian Yongbiao represents RAE Systems gave a comprehensive analysis about Chinese market sales performance and application area of RAE products. He also elaborated on the future market and dealers support strategies. Mr. Xu Yepeng and Hua Qing from marketing department introduced detailed information about RAE Systems and Honeywell products respectively. Furthermore, the Automation Control group vice president of legal department Hans Quitermeyer made a special trip to attend the meeting. He delivered the importance of compliance in Honeywell and made a detailed explanation about the related compliance issues in business. He hoped that we can work together to create a better compliance environment for the healthy development of enterprises. During the meeting, the management team also answered the actual problems and confused questions form distributors, which made them have great confidence in the future work and cooperation with Honeywell.

At the end of the meeting, the agents visited Honeywell technology experience and professional laboratory located in Zhangjiang Park with great gusto. They felt personally Honeywell’s leading technology and products. From agents satisfied smile, we believe with the outstanding brand collaboration between Honeywell and RAE Systems, both side of the business will make greater progress.

手持熱電風速儀 伸縮桿式X、γ劑量率儀 水質重金屬快速檢測儀 便攜式消耗臭氧層物質快速檢測儀 單人防護裝備 便攜式水質快速檢測儀 便攜式水質多參數分析儀 水污染水質指紋預警溯源儀 甲烷檢測儀 三維光譜熒光水質指紋分析儀 熱球風速儀 熱成像儀 紅外攝像機 便攜式氫火焰離子化檢測儀 便攜式水污染物監測設備 土壤重金屬分析采樣器 探地雷達暗管探測儀 海水水質快速測定儀 現場執法記錄儀 紅外熱成像氣體泄漏檢測儀 微風風速計 無人機 多參數氣體檢測儀 粉塵快速測定儀 水質快檢試劑包 便攜式水質重金屬測定儀 便攜式γ譜儀 工頻場強測量儀 電磁輻射射頻綜合場強儀 電磁輻射選頻分析儀 個人劑量報警儀 便攜式核素識別儀 便攜式X射線熒光測定儀 惡臭監測儀 便攜式油煙檢測儀 移動執法包 便攜式水質現場監測儀 土壤綜**樣套裝 VOC檢測儀 便攜式氣體檢測儀 固定污染源VOCs采樣器 個人防護包 車用尿素檢定儀 油氣回收三項檢測儀 便攜式水質重金屬檢測儀 恒流采樣器 車載冷凍冷藏冰箱 土壤重金屬檢測儀 便攜式x、γ輻射劑量儀 傅立葉紅外氣體檢測儀 電子分析天平 手持式光離子化檢測儀PID 便攜式多種氣體分析儀 便攜式氣相色譜儀 αβ表面污染測量儀 應急檢測箱 生命搜救雷達 大型通道式車輛放射性監測系統 NG1130 車載放射性物質搜尋系統 多功能輻射分析儀 生物毒性分析儀 手持式核素識別儀 便攜式化學戰劑及工業有毒氣體探測儀 生物毒劑偵檢儀 土壤檢測儀
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